Tips For Installing A Successful Property Septic System

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The Tank Beneath You

If you are someone with a septic system, have you ever walked outside, stood in your yard, and thought about the tank and greater septic system that lies beneath your feet? There's more to this system than you might know. It's not just a septic tank. It's a system of pipes that carry waste water away from the tank, and it's also a drainfield, made from soil. The next time you call a septic service to care for your tank, watch them work and ask questions. Also, make sure you spend some time reading this blog to become more aware of the basics.


Tips For Installing A Successful Property Septic System

3 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A septic system is essential when you plan to build a home on your own land and there is no access to the municipal sewer system. Whether you are building a new home or are replacing an old septic system for your existing property, make sure you follow good advice to get the system installed properly. Here are some recommendations to use in a septic tank installation on your property.

Test Your Soil

When you plan to install a septic system on your land, it is because you do not have access to the city sewer line. The conditions in the soil still need to be amenable to a septic system and its drainage needs. 

The soil in your property and the location of a future septic system need to have good drainage quality with soil that contains rock, gravel, and other permeable materials. If your soil contains too much clay content and loamy materials, it will prevent the system from draining water into the soil and it will soon back up into your home. And poor soil conditions can cause the water to build up inside the soil and upon the landscaping and cause environmental problems when it does not contaminate runoff or end up in a nearby water table.

Look at hiring a professional to perform a soil percolation test to evaluate the soil's condition and to make sure it will safely and efficiently allow a septic drain field to work properly. This test will evaluate the soil on your property or the soil in the proposed septic drain field site. Make sure you don't skip this part, otherwise you may be fined and can put your surrounding environment at risk of harmful contaminants from the septic system. A septic tank installation will require that you have this testing completed before they will install the system for you.

Plan For Installation

The installation of your septic system and its location need to be carefully considered before you have it installed. The tank and the drain field need to be set at a slope away from your home so the sewage naturally flows down into the tank and drain field lines. Otherwise, you can install an engineered septic system where pumps are utilized to get the waste flowing from your home to its treatment tank and percolation lines. 

Plan for installing the system before you install any landscaping or pavement, otherwise you will need to repair landscaping during excavation. And you don't want to install pavement over your septic system, otherwise you will risk its collapse and serious damage to the system, even if the tank is made of concrete or fiberglass. Plan to plant shallow-rooted vegetation over the site, such as grasses and flowers. Plant trees and shrubbery well away from your system.

For more information, reach out to a company such as DWR Waste Removal & Septic.