Basic Septic Tank Maintenance

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The Tank Beneath You

If you are someone with a septic system, have you ever walked outside, stood in your yard, and thought about the tank and greater septic system that lies beneath your feet? There's more to this system than you might know. It's not just a septic tank. It's a system of pipes that carry waste water away from the tank, and it's also a drainfield, made from soil. The next time you call a septic service to care for your tank, watch them work and ask questions. Also, make sure you spend some time reading this blog to become more aware of the basics.


Basic Septic Tank Maintenance

26 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Regular septic tank maintenance can improve the longevity and efficiency of your system. It also helps identify malfunctions that could lead to leaks. Septic tank maintenance is easy if you follow these basic practices. 

Pump Your Tank Routinely

On average, septic tanks are pumped every 3-5 years. However, the frequency can change depending on tank size, household size, and the types of waste that are regularly deposited in the tank. Typically, septic tank pumping is performed by a service provider at a fee. The cost varies based on tank size and location of the tank. 

Inspect the Tank

Once the tank is pumped and cleaned, an inspection is carried out to check for faulty areas that could become problematic. Since pumping and cleaning are performed every 3-5 years, it's hard to perform comprehensive inspections regularly. 

However, this doesn't stop you from inspecting your tank every week or month. The inspection doesn't need to be comprehensive. You can walk around the septic tank looking for signs of leaks. 

Are the plants or grass around the tank thriving while the rest of your lawn struggles to blossom? Is there a strong sewage smell emanating from or around your tank? If yes, septic pumping is needed for comprehensive tank inspection. 

Use Water Efficiently

Septic tanks can handle wastewater, but it doesn't mean you should misuse water. Your tank has a limit and can only hold so much water. Once your water usage exceeds the limit, it will lead to a tank backup. 

Ideally, space out high water-consuming tasks such as cleaning cloths or using the dishwasher. Your washing machine and dishwasher consume several gallons of water per load. If you use these machines every day, your septic tank will struggle to operate at optimal capacity. 

Dispose Waste Properly

Separate your waste and dispose of it properly. Don't use your toilet as a second garbage disposal pit. This means waste such as grease, food, wet-strength towels, diapers, sanitary pads, cigarette butts, or any other non-decomposable item shouldn't be disposed of in your toilet or septic system. These non-decomposable items will clog your septic system.

Limit Use of Harmful Cleaning Chemicals

Most waste in your septic tank is broken down by bacteria. These bacteria can only thrive in certain conditions, and the use of harmful cleaning chemicals isn't one of them. Therefore, limit the use of harmful cleaning chemicals such as bleach. Occasionally, add biological bacteria additives to break down these unnatural chemicals. 

For more information, contact a company like Linn Septic Service.