What Are The Major Types Of Septic Systems?

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The Tank Beneath You

If you are someone with a septic system, have you ever walked outside, stood in your yard, and thought about the tank and greater septic system that lies beneath your feet? There's more to this system than you might know. It's not just a septic tank. It's a system of pipes that carry waste water away from the tank, and it's also a drainfield, made from soil. The next time you call a septic service to care for your tank, watch them work and ask questions. Also, make sure you spend some time reading this blog to become more aware of the basics.


What Are The Major Types Of Septic Systems?

21 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Are you thinking of a septic system installation? Well, you must first determine the different types of septic systems available to guide you in making the best decisions. Septic installation depends on different factors such as soil type, lot size, household size, local regulations, weather conditions, and proximity to water bodies. Septic tanks separate liquids and solids in wastewater and for human waste treatment. This article discusses the major types of septic systems. 

Gravity Drain Field Systems

This septic system comprises three parts: the drain field, the septic tank, and the soil below the drain field. It functions through the draining of effluent into trenches from the septic tank through the use of gravity. That means the gravity drain field should be beneath the septic tank draining level. The soil below filters the effluent as it penetrates the pore space while biological and chemical processes treat it. The treatment processes ensure the effluent is clean before reaching the groundwater. This process is best when the soil is porous, contains enough oxygen, has adequate soil depth, and is dry. The soil conditions and daily wastewater flow determine the drain fill size.

Pressure Distribution Drain Field Systems 

Pressure distribution drain-field systems are suitable for locations with limited soil required to treat effluents. This type of septic installation enables the dosing of effluent into a drain field before letting it rest until another dose of effluent is accumulated by the pump tank. Additionally, the drain field concurrently receives effluent through a combination of pressurized lines to the drain field from the pump tank.

Aerobic Treatment Unit Systems 

This sewage treatment system involves mixing microorganisms and sewage with dissolved oxygen in an aeration chamber available in a watertight tank. Blowers, air pumps, and compressors facilitate air supply. The disposal and final treatment of the sewage occur in a pressure distribution system. A disinfection unit is available in the system to limit bacteriological counts and meet the best treatment standards. Proper maintenance and operation are important to ensure high-performance standards since the system is complex.

Sand Filter Systems 

A sand soil system is the best option when there is limited treatment soil. Uniform distribution is ensured by pumping controlled septic tank sewage in pipes. The sewage is treated as it trickles down through sand in the layers available in sand filters. A second pump chamber within the sand filter discharges the treated sewage into a pressurized drain field. 

Final Word  

Septic tanks are cost-efficient compared to sewer lines which are expensive to install. They also offer durability and are eco-friendly as they are easy to maintain, rarely need replacement, and don't contaminate the soil and water supply. Contact a local service to guide you on your septic system installation.